Monday, March 13, 2006

Memorial, Enchanted College, 2PM, Saturday, April 1

I'd like to begin by thanking those who tried to put the message out about my mothers passing. This is her son, Clayton.

I don't really know where to begin or how much most of you want to know or already know about my moms passing. I wish I could say that I'm not sorry that she is gone, because she in not in any more pain and she is with her beloved Roger. I wish I were as eloquent as my mother was or as talented in writing as my Aunt Zara, but I'm not and I'm grieving, as most of you must be.

I would love to give you some of the good memories that I shared with my mother as a friend and as her son, but there are too many to count and trying to describe how she was would be so difficult, as she had many facets and I have not the words. That being said, I would like to inform everyone that there will be no funeral service, just a memorial for those who truly loved Diana to share their memories and grief with one another, and to toast to hers and Rogers journey unimpeded by the weight of this mortal coil.

The memorial for Diana Callihan-Snyder will be the final event at the Enchanted Cottage (Slip S-9, 23528 NW St Helens Rd), and will be held on April 1st at 2pm.

The circumstances of her passing have been exaggerated and miscommunicated, so let me set the record straight with everyone. Mom passed away in her sleep, like her beloved Roger, and just as peacefully. She was on an RV trip back from the midwest with friends and went to sleep at 9pm, and drifted off. I believe that Roger tapped her on the shoulder and said, "Lovey, it's time to go." But that's me. Each of us have our own way for viewing death and I would like to share her passage to the next realm with those who will feel her loss and the joy for her deeply, as well.

If you know of anyone that would want to know this information, please don't hesitate to share this with them. I will provide more details about the memorial when I am able to think more clearly and have a chance to talk to a few more people. I will be staying at moms off and on until the memorial, please call if you'd like to talk or share... I know mom would like that. She was a stellar woman without a doubt, as you already know.

Her devoted son,

Clayton Terry


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