Tuesday, March 14, 2006

You are which?

"You are which?" I asked in all innocence.
"No, a witch, as in Wicca." Diana replied. "You should come see what we do."
And so began a friendship that has ended all too soon. A casual meeting in a 21st Avenue bistro yielded wonderful conversation and a much needed area tour guide as I was so recently arrived in Portland.
Vivacious, outgoing, and lovely to look at, Diana captured my attention and desire to be her friend from the very start. She will always have a special place in my heart.
Not a witch, but a Jew, I have said Kaddish for my friend, Diana. Her soul surrounds us and in memory she will always be my friend.
Farewell, Diana; we'll meet again, some day.
Thank you, John, for your thoughtfulness and creativity.



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